The Thomas Jefferson "Peace and Friendship"
     Long Sleeved Tee


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A long sleeved version of our popular Thomas Jefferson "Peace and Friendship" tee shirt. On the front is the PEACE PLEASE call and on the back a saying from Thomas Jefferson detailing his thinking on an optimum foreign policy strategy. This powerful quote reads:

"Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy,
and I wish that we may be permitted to pursue it."

When Thomas Jefferson
wrote the Declaration of Independence he expressed the convictions that were in the hearts and minds of the American people. In light of events in the world today the thoughts he set down on the wisest foreign policy continue to speak to the hopes that are in the hearts and minds of people around the world. Working together we CAN make this the policy our nations pursue.

Copyright © 2012 The Peace Channel Network, Inc. All rights reserved.