The visual at left shows photos of people of peace, or visual
expressions of peace which they created. These photos provide just a small capsule of the tens of millions
of people around the world raising their voices and being visible and vocal for peace. Please - join in.
Iraq: more than 650,000 civilians
and over 4,320 Coalition soldiers - dead from war. Darfur: over 400,000 people, dead. Israel and Palestine: over 5,400 people since 2000. The Congo: 3,000,000 since 1998. Pakistan.Chechnya. Afghanistan.
New York. Sri Lanka. Lebanon. Our Sons and Daughters. Husbands and Wives. Sisters and Brothers. Parents and Friends. It's enough already. All you "leaders" out there, listen. We - the people - want peace, please. NOW!
When one calculates the many costs of the war in Iraq, the monetary loss is not only the dollars that have been spent on the weapons and machinations of war. The loss also represents all the various programs and efforts that could have been funded with the estimated
$720 million per day which this war is costing. The short but powerful video above, created by the American Friends Service Committee,
shows just some of the programs that might have been funded with the blood money being spent on this war. To sign the petition to defund the war, click here.